Three Israelis Wounded in Suspected West Bank Car-ramming Attack

Israelis injured in car ramming attack Nov 1 2015

An archive photo to a scene a the West Bank stabbing attack, October 28, 2015.                   Credit: Magen David Adom – Jerusalem spokesperson

Earlier, a knife-wielding Palestinian was shot dead by Israeli soldiers nearby Continue reading

Violent demonstrations break out again in Hebron

Israeli security forces fire tear gas canisters to disperse Palestinian protesters during a demonstration in the West Bank city of Hebron on October 27, 2015. (AFP PHOTO / HAZEM BADER)

Israeli security forces fire tear gas canisters to disperse Palestinian protesters during a demonstration in the West Bank city of Hebron on October 27, 2015. (AFP PHOTO / HAZEM BADER)

Some 80 Palestinians throw rocks and firebombs at Israeli troops, who respond with rubber bullets and tear gas

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Soldier seriously wounded in stabbing attack near Hebron

Medics wheel a wounded Israeli into the emergency room of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center on October 26, 2015, after a Palestinian man stabbed him near the West Bank city of Hebron. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Medics wheel a wounded Israeli into the emergency room of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center on October 26, 2015, after a Palestinian man stabbed him near the West Bank city of Hebron. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Victim suffers injuries to neck in attack at Palestinian village of Beit Anun; attacker shot and killed

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Three Palestinians killed in 3 stabbing attacks in Hebron, Jerusalem

Israel Border Police on patrol in Hebron. (Najeh Hashlamoun/Flash90)

Israel Border Police on patrol in Hebron. (Najeh Hashlamoun/Flash90)

Teenage girl shot dead after trying to stab policewoman near Cave of Patriarchs; 2 teen assailants also killed in attacks in Kiryat Arba, Armon Hanatziv; Gazans protest along border fence

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PA forces clash with Hamas protesters in West Bank

Palestinian demonstrators throw stones towards Palestinian security forces blocking the road to an Israeli checkpoint in the center of the West Bank town of Hebron on August 22, 2014, following a demonstration to show support for Hamas. (Photo credit: AFP/ Hazem Bader)

Palestinian demonstrators throw stones towards Palestinian security forces blocking the road to an Israeli checkpoint in the center of the West Bank town of Hebron on August 22, 2014, following a demonstration to show support for Hamas. (Photo credit: AFP/ Hazem Bader)

Palestinian security personnel thwart demonstrators’ attempt to advance on IDF checkpoint in Hebron

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Israel delays decision on response to killing of three teenagers

The three kidnapped teens, from left to right: Eyal Yifrach, Gil-ad Shaar and Naftali Fraenkel (photo credit: Courtesy)

The three kidnapped teens, from left to right: Eyal Yifrach, Gil-ad Shaar and Naftali Fraenkel                      (photo credit: Courtesy)

Ministers to meet again Tuesday, after funerals of Eyal Yifrach, Gil-ad Shaar and Naftali Fraenkel, whose bodies were found Monday in a field north of Hebron

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Hebron cleric accuses Israel of plotting to rebuild temple

Leading Palestinian Muslim figure says daily ‘intrusions’ by Israeli leaders into Muslim shrine confirm plan to destroy it

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, with Al-Aqsa Mosque in the background. (photo credit: Ahmad Jaber/flash90)

The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, with Al-Aqsa Mosque in the background. (photo credit: Ahmad Jaber/flash90)

A leading figure in the Muslim religious establishment said Israel has a “manifest” plan to rebuilt the Jewish Temple on the ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Sheikh Taysir Rajab al-Tamimi, who heads Hebron’s sharia court, said in his Friday sermon that daily “intrusions” by Israeli MKs and Jewish leaders into the complex surrounding the holy Muslim site prove that such a plan exists, Arutz Sheva reported late Saturday.

Tamimi reportedly stated that the Israeli decision to erect a Jewish religious building near the Temple Mount was part of a plan to rebuild the Jewish Temple over its ruins.

“The recent visit by the American president, [Barack] Obama, to occupied Jerusalem, his statements saying that Jerusalem is capital of the Jews, and his demand that the Palestinians recognize the Jewish character of the Israeli entity, constitute a declaration of war and prepare the ground for the Judaization of occupied Jerusalem by Israel,” Tamimi was quoted as saying.

The religious leader reportedly called on the Palestinians and the Muslim world to join the struggle to defend Al-Aqsa. He also urged the international community to act quickly to contain Israel “before it ignites a religious war that will consume everything in the entire world.”

Last week, Housing Minister Uri Ariel became the first serving Cabinet minister in recent memory to visit the Temple Mount, when he participated in a tour of the sacred site as a tourist.

While right-wing politicians occasionally visit the controversial site — Likud hawk Moshe Feiglin was recently barred from touring the Mount — Ariel is the first Cabinet minister to do so lately. Former prime minister Ariel Sharon sparked riots when he did so as opposition leader in September 2000.

The status quo on the Mount is the result of a convergence of religious and political interests after 1967. Rabbis decided early on that religious law forbade visiting the site because of fears that one might tread on the location of the Holy of Holies, the focal point of ancient ritual, where people were forbidden to enter. Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, the most important Zionist rabbi of the latter half of the 20th century, ruled that it was prohibited to visit the Mount, a position still endorsed by Israel’s Chief Rabbinate. With the threat of violence should Muslim control at the site be harmed, Israeli authorities were also eager to keep the peace and happy to channel Jewish worshipers to the Western Wall.

But the desire to pray on the Mount has found more acceptance among mainstream rabbis in Israel over the past decade, spreading gradually from a tiny fringe to a broader religious public. The numbers of Jews actually visiting the Mount for religious reasons is still tiny — no more than several thousand a year, according to police estimates — but inching upward, and the sacred enclosure is slowly gaining in importance as an issue of religious and political meaning for religious Zionists, a group with outsize ideological and political clout in Israeli society.


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500 Palestinian activists pitch tents in controversial E1 strip

‘Grandchildren of Yunis’ outpost aims to protest US support of Israel; IDF detains 30 stone-throwing students in Hebron

Palestinian activists on January 11 set up an 'outpost' named Bab al-Shams ("Gate of the Sun") in the area of the West Bank between Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim known as E1. (photo credit: Flash90)

Palestinian activists on January 11 set up an ‘outpost’ named Bab al-Shams (“Gate of the Sun”) in the area of the West Bank between Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim known as E1. (photo credit: Flash90)


By March 20, 2013, 2:18 pm

Some 500 Palestinian activists set up an illegal outpost in the controversial strip of land known as E1, between Jerusalem and Ma’ale Adumim, on Wednesday, coinciding with the arrival of US President Barack Obama for a three-day visit to Israel and the West Bank.

Activists said the establishment of the 15-tent “Grandchildren of Yunis” outpost is a protest against the Obama administration, which they claim is traditionally biased in Israel’s favor. The outpost consisted of 15 tents.

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In January, Palestinians also established an illegal outpost in the E1 corridor, which Israel evacuated.

After the Palestinian Authority was granted nonmember observer status at the UN in late November, one of Israel’s responses was to revive its own plans to build in the E1 area, drawing harsh international condemnation. Critics said settlement construction there would make a contiguous Palestinian state nearly impossible.

Meanwhile, some 30 Palestinian students were detained by IDF forces in Hebron Wednesday morning after throwing stones at Israeli settlers and security forces, Maan reported.

Residents told the Palestinian news agency the students were taken to the Kiryat Arba police station, and that they expected them to be released shortly.

On Tuesday night the Palestinian Authority issued a ban on releasing photos and videos from the West Bank city of Hebron ahead of Obama’s visit, Channel 10 reported

Hebron residents are reportedly opposed to the US president’s visit and the PA is attempting to avoid embarrassment over hateful displays in the city.


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