Is Obama Above The Law?

Commentary By Gordon King

Obama seems to have powers above anyone’s control.  He is mystical and magical.  Whatever he touches seems to turn to gold.  Whatever he does seems to be magnificent or just vanish into thin air.  The world is enamored with his charm and charisma.  Obama can do no wrong.  He is the epitome of all that is right and just.  If you believe that, then you have been placed under his spell.

King Obama

The Law.  What is “The Law”?  Is it a set of rules over the people of the country to abide by?  Is the law written only for the citizens of a country and not for it’s leaders?  Are government officials in a class above everyone else and so special that they are immune from the law?  Is the president of the United States so very special that he can commit crimes without any retribution?  Whenever there is a question arising regarding president Obama, it is merely swept under the rug and forgotten.  What ever happened to Benghazi? 

Benghazi embassy attack    Photo from:

Whatever happened to the presidents birth certificate issue?  He was asked to provide proof of citizenship during his presidential election.  After months if not years later, he finally did. 

Obama’s birth certificate      Photo from:

Only it was found to contain many “smoking guns”.  What is that old saying: “where there is smoke there is fire”.  Well, there is obviously a fire.  Yet, it has been swept under the rug.  Why doesn’t the government stand up and confront the president?  What is their fear?  Why aren’t the citizens of this country in protest and angry?  At least a few men have the “Guts” to take a stand and question the president about this issue.  Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Arizona and Alex Jones are both speaking out about the Obama birth certificate issue.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Sheriff Joe Arpaio    Photo from:  YouTube video below


Alex Jones      Photo from:

Sheriff Joe has once again brought up the issue of Obama’s birth certificate, calling it a fake, a fraud and full of smoke.  He is determined to get to the bottom of the issue and see justice win.  Obama is not above the law.  The crimes he has committed are a Federal offense and punishable by law.  If you or I were to commit such crimes we would surely be locked up in a Federal prison.  What makes Obama so much better than us?  Why is he given a free pass?  Are the government officials above the law?  I think NOT!   In the videos below Sheriff Joe and Alex Jones speak out about this issue.   God Bless these men!

Sheriff Arpaio – Obama’s Birth Certificate is a FAKE


OBAMA’s Birth Certificate Proven Fraudulent – National Security Threat. OBAMA is soooo GREAT!



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Mom guilty in baseball bat attack on son’s drug dealer

Heroin pusher gets whacked by mother fed up with predator destroying her child

Sherrie Gavan convicted of assault

Sherrie Gavanand her husband, Bryan Gavan (left), listen as her attorney, William Goldstein, speaks to reporters after she was convicted of assault on Tuesday, April 23, 2013, at the Jefferson County Courthouse in Hillsboro. Photo by Christian Gooden,


HILLSBORO • In just a few short months, Sherrie Gavan said, her son went from a straight-A student who loved baseball and scuba diving to a listless teenager with a short fuse.

Then she figured out the cause: heroin addiction, an epidemic that has upended life for countless parents across the St. Louis area in the past five years.

Gavan told a court on Tuesday that she took desperate measures to get her son, Clayton, now 19, clean. She slept next to him as he shook and sweated through withdrawals. She enrolled him in a new school to keep him away from a bad crowd. She sent him off to live with relatives and even took him to work with her.

But a jury decided she went too far when she struck the 22-year-old man who helped supply heroin to her son with a baseball bat.

Gavan, 54, was found guilty Tuesday of third-degree assault, a class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and a year in jail.

It took the jury a little more than two hours to convict her.

“I don’t know what happens from here,” Gavan said after the verdict. “I just know you can’t protect your child anymore.”

Gavan’s sentencing is scheduled for June 4.

The trial touched on a variety of issues from addiction to parenting and offered a brutal portrait of two families struggling against a drug that has claimed hundreds of lives in the past few years.

In the end, there didn’t seem to be much debate about the facts.

Joshua Loyd, 22, admitted he helped supply Clayton Gavan with heroin by taking him to a friend’s mother to get the drug.

Sherrie Gavan, 54, didn’t dispute that she struck Loyd with a burgundy-colored baseball bat outside his home on Dec. 20, 2011.

Gavan’s attorney, William Goldstein, argued that his client had only been acting out of love for her son.

“She did what any good mother would do,” Goldstein said. “She went down there (to Joshua’s house) for one purpose and for one purpose only: get Josh out of her life.”

But Assistant Jefferson County Prosecutor Jacob Costello admonished jurors not to get caught up in the emotion of events but to focus on the law.

“This case is not about whether Mrs. Gavan is a good parent,” he said. “You can’t take matters into your own hands like that. … She made a choice to pull out the baseball bat.”

What seemed to undermine Gavan’s case was an encounter she and her husband, Bryan Gavan, had at the Loyd family’s house the night before the baseball bat attack.

Steve Loyd, Josh’s father, testified that Sherrie and Bryan Gavan showed up on his doorstep about 11:30 p.m. on Dec. 19, 2011.

They warned him to keep Josh away from their son, Steve Loyd said, and Bryan Gavan threatened to shoot Josh if he saw him again.

Loyd said he had told the Gavans that his son was no drug dealer.

“Do you think all these kids are in the same boat?” Costello asked him.

“Yes,” Loyd said. “It’s terrible.

Bryan Gavan told the court that he had only threatened to shoot Josh if he came on the family’s property and that the threat was not serious.

“It was more grandeur,” Bryan Gavan said. “I was very frustrated.”

Clayton Gavan had recently relapsed, and on Dec. 20, 2011, Sherrie Gavan had taken Clayton to the Pizza Hut she managed in south St. Louis County. She said she watched her son’s face drain of color when he saw Josh Loyd’s car pull up in the parking lot.

Gavan then watched Loyd drive away and got into her own car to follow him. She caught up to him at his house and yelled at him to stay away from her son.

Gavan said Loyd pulled an unidentified object about the size of half a brick out of his car. She then reached inside her Jeep for the bat.

Gavan said Loyd walked toward her and she struck him twice with the bat on the arm.

For his part, Loyd told the jury that he might have been high on heroin that day and said that when Gavan approached — even with the bat in hand — he wasn’t afraid for his safety. Loyd is 5 foot 9 inches and 195 pounds; Gavan is 4 foot 11 inches and 115 pounds.

He did not seek medical attention for his injuries and acknowledged he had not been badly hurt.

Loyd also said he could not identify Gavan in the courtroom despite the fact that she was sitting only a few feet from him.

Loyd also acknowledged that he had twice overdosed on heroin and had to be revived at a hospital.

He also said that he was now clean — though he faces pending charges of felony possession of drugs and theft.

Throughout the trial, Gavan said she fought the charges rather than plead guilty to help shine a spotlight on the problem of heroin.

“I thought it was important to get the story out,” she said.

And despite the conviction, she said, she achieved what she wanted by confronting Loyd. Loyd has not contacted her son since, and Clayton has been clean for more than a year.

“My son is alive,” she said. “That’s all that matters. … I will take my life over his any day.”


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Iran finally brought to justice

Exclusive: Larry Klayman warns, ‘Regime’s cancer of death has metastasized, spread’


The Islamic republic of Iran is the most evil of all the terrorist designated states. Supported by the China, North Korea, Russia and deceased dictator Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, its rulers have brutally suppressed a valiant freedom movement that sought to overthrow the regime, as much less sophisticated Muslim states, like Egypt, have waged their so-called Arab Spring. The irony is that these Arab states do not, and cannot, appreciate true democracy, and their level of civilization and modern sophistication among the populace is far less than among the secular elements in Iran who are fighting for freedom.

President Barack Hussein Obama, at heart a Muslim, has taken no action in the last four years to support the Iranian freedom movement, as he likely feels a kinship with the mullahs. Indeed, this publication has coined a phrase for Obama as the “First Muslim President.” But regardless of whether the “mullah in chief” is sympathetic to the regime, his record of inaction stands on its own. So too do the talk big and take no action establishment Republicans like Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham. For “fun” they get their kicks advocating military intervention with regard to much lesser nefarious interests in the Muslim world – nation states and terrorist groups that pale in comparison to the power of and evilness of the rulers of Iran.

The reality is that we fought the wrong wars over the last 10 years and lost them all, nevertheless. Today, Iraq is for all practical purposes a Shiite sister proxy state of Iran. So, too, in practice is Afghanistan, as the Taliban, with Iranian financial and logistical support, has resurfaced with a vengeance and is much more dominant than the corrupt and feckless Afghani government itself. It would have made preeminent sense for the United States to early on have supported, with covert and any other means, the Iranian freedom movement and, if necessary, used military force to overthrow this evil neo-Nazi regime. But our leaders did not want, for whatever reason, to take on the “big bully” in the Middle Eastern neighborhood, which would have required more courage. This was a huge mistake, as the Iranian regime’s cancer of death has metastasized and spread over the last 10 years, and the Islamic state is now not only a nuclear but great conventional military power, which even Israel fears taking on directly despite credible threats by the mullahs to wipe the Jewish state off the face of the Earth. Iran also supports Hamas, Hezbollah, Syrian President Assad and every other terrorist state and interest in the region bent on furthering not just the destruction of Israel and a radical Muslim revolution in the Middle East in general, but also the destruction of the United States as a world power.

That being said, about three years ago, on behalf of a brave Persian Mohammadi family whose sons and brothers Akbar and Manouchehr were the first student leaders to call and actively work for regime change in Iran, I brought a lawsuit against the rulers of this evil nation. The regime, true to form, had imprisoned both Akbar and Manouchehr, and then proceeded to terrorize the Mohammadi family as a whole. Akbar was tortured and eventually killed (WARNING: Graphic content: See the video that shows the inhuman mutilation of his body), and Manouchehr was placed under a death sentence in Evin prison. After seven years in jail, Manouchehr escaped and now lives in the United States. The sisters, other brother and parents of these two brave freedom fighters have also paid their price, both physically and emotionally. They are forever damaged and scarred, but continue to pray for Iranian freedom while grieving for Akbar.

I urge you all to read thoroughly the complaint as it sets forth in great detail why Islamic Iran is the greatest threat to Western civilization today. See

Here are just a few excerpts:

“While in prison, Akbar was subjected to repeated bouts of torture and cruel and unusual forms of punishment, causing him to go deaf, and be in a constant state of agony.”

“Akbar, like many members of the Class herein, was placed in solitary confinement for long stretches of time, subjected to extreme conditions, and brutal beatings, all of which damaged him both physically and psychologically.”

“Finally on July 31st, 2006, Akbar was murdered in Evin prison during a torture session, his long grueling prison term mercilessly ended by the regime.”

Now, finally, after three years of litigation the case is coming to trial next week. Testifying for Akbar, Manoucher and the family, as well as all freedom loving Iranians and peoples of the world, will not just be members of the Mohammadi family, but the distinguished likes of former CIA Director James Woolsey, former Reagan administration United Nation’s Ambassador Alan Keyes, former Reagan administration national security adviser and Iran expert Michael Ledeen and Ken Timmerman, executive director of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran and a brave investigative reporter and Iran expert who himself was imprisoned at one time by terrorists in the Middle East, among a host of others, including defectors from the Iranian government. They all will provide evidence not just about how and why the Mohammadis were tortured and in Akbar’s case killed for their efforts to free the Persian people from Islamic neo-Nazi oppression under Shariah law, but why the world must wake up and now take strong measures to extinguish this truly evil regime, much as it was forced to do with Hitler’s Third Reich. The trial will be much like the Nuremberg Nazi show trials after World War II.

It is indeed sad and underscores the worthless cowardliness of our government that the Mohammadis have had to take the lead in obtaining justice against the mullahs in Tehran. If our government had supported the Iranian freedom movement years ago, which was on the verge of overthrowing the regime, the world would not now be faced with this new “Evil Empire,” this time a radical Muslim one, and its real threat of a second nuclear Holocaust.

We can all take some solace that, at least for the Mohammadi family, justice finally now will be meted out in a federal courtroom in Washington, D.C., for all the world to witness, up close and personal, the inhuman nature of the Iranian Islamic regime.