Business booming for US firm offering luxury apocalypse-proof bunkers for $65,000 (£42,000)

As fears of terrorist plots, earthquakes and doomsday predictions rock the American psyche, a Southern California company is building luxury survivalist bunkers complete with wide-screen TVs, plumbing, and bunk-beds. They start at about $65,000 (£42,000) and that doesn’t include the cost of digging a big enough hole.



Ron Hubbard, founder of Atlas Survival Shelters (no relation to the founder of the Church of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard) gives a tour of his luxury shelter designed to withstand a catastrophe for up to 90 days.

Speaking from his warehouse near Los Angeles, Mr Hubbard insists he is not “fear mongering.”

He earns a living providing luxury survival bunkers to ‘survivalists’, a group of people who believe they are in danger from a terrorist attack, economic meltdown, and even solar flares or meteor showers.

Unlike Cold War-era shelters, Atlas shelters are half the length of a basketball court and 10 feet wide. Each one has a master bedroom, dining area and a sofa facing a 47-inch flat screen TV.

Mr Hubbard says his phone rang constantly last December as people attempted to prepare for the end of the world that never came. The 5,125-year cycle in the Mayan calendar passed by, without disaster. The annual celestial treat of the Perseid meteorssoaring through the sky last month resulted in another spike in business, with customers looking for a way to stay safe in case one hit Earth.

Is It “Anti-Faith” To Prepare For The Coming Economic Collapse?

Michael Snyder
Economic Collapse
July 6, 2013

Does being a prepper show a lack of faith in God?  Should good Christians reject prepping altogether?  Yesterday, someone actually accused me of being “anti-faith” because I am encouraging people to prepare for the coming economic collapse.  This person believes that if I had faith, then I would make “no provision” for what is ahead and simply trust “in God’s providence alone”.  So is that person right?  Is it really “anti-faith” to prepare for the coming economic collapse?  I spent quite a bit of time thinking about these questions today.

Those that visit my site on a regular basis know that I am a Christian and I am very open about that fact.  I am someone that places a very high value on faith.  The Scriptures tell us to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”.  Without God, none of us has any hope.  In fact, without God I would probably be dead by now.

But faith is not about sitting on your couch and waiting for God to do everything for you.  Rather, faith is about taking action on what God has directed you to do.

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Survival Mindset: Preparedness As A Way of Life Part I

(Before It’s News)

prepare man with shieldPrepping, survivalism, emergency preparedness, disaster readiness – call it what you will but having the mindset to take care of yourself in good times and bad is the focus of Backdoor Survival.  That plus a healthy dose of living strategically and sustainably while having a bit of fun at the same time.

Today I would like to explore the survival mindset and preparedness as a way of life and as a path to self-reliance and independence.


We live in uncertain times.  Natural disasters are escalating at an alarming rate, global economies are failing, terrorists are threatening the security of the common man and climate change is affecting the ability of our food chain to provide adequate supplies to the populace. Add to this questionable politics and sneaky corporate policies and we have a recipe for crisis on our hands.

Survival Book 200(Custom)The solution, for many, to these woes is to embrace survivalism. The term “survivalism” is a word that has been around for eons.

Survivalism: An attitude, policy or practice based on the of primacy of survival as a value.
. . . from Miriam Webster

Survivalism: The policy of trying to insure one’s own survival or that of one’s social or national group.
. . . from New Oxford American Dictionary

And the person who practices survivalism? That person is typically referred to as a survivalist.

Mention this term to your typical man or woman and you may be looked at with disdain and confusion. After all, aren’t survivalists those Rambo types that live in the woods wearing camouflage clothing and carrying rifles the way the rest of us carry a wallet or pocketbook?

Somewhere along the line, the words Survivalism and Survivalist became dirty words.

To overcome this perception, a more modern term has been coined. A kinder gentler term and one without negative connotations: Prepper.

What specifically is a prepper? Wikipedia defines a prepper as an “individual or group that prepares or makes preparations in advance of, or prior to, any change in normal circumstances or lifestyle without significant reliance on other persons or without substantial assistance from outside resources.”

More simply stated, a prepper desires and strives to enjoy self-sufficiency without the need for outside assistance, especially from government agencies or authorities.


Let me relate the tale of two fictional families living close to each other in a fictional neighborhood.

Family #1 consists of a husband, a wife and two children. They are a two income family and the children, teenagers, do not work – not even performing home chores – for their generous allowance. The family has about $20,000 in savings, and a mortgage that uses up 60% of their combined take home pay. They eat out 3 to 4 nights a week, have a housekeeper and gardener and live a comfortable life.

A peek inside their pantry will show you a few canned goods but mostly cookies, chips and snack items. They rely on a weekly trip to the supermarket for food and even then, they don’t require much since they eat out a lot.

Family #2 also consists of a husband, wife and two children The Mom has a part time job doing something she loves: arranging flowers at a flower shop. The pay is not great but she enjoys both the work and getting out of the house. The family has a modest mortgage of about $75,000 and savings of $100,000. The two teens have part time jobs; one tutors kids with reading problems and the other flips burgers at the local fast food joint. Both the husband and wife enjoy cooking and prepare home cooked meals. They know how to take less expensive cuts of meats and use them in stews, stir-fry’s and other nutritious meals.

A look inside their pantry will show lots of dried goods including beans, rice, oatmeal and pasta, as well as cases of canned goods they have purchased at a discount at their local cash and carry warehouse store. Everything in the pantry is dated with the newer items stored near the rear and in the difficult to reach areas.

In the middle of one winter night, a huge snow and ice storm hits the town where both families live. Their neighborhood is especially affected because a utility company transformer has blown and the power is out. Trees have fallen and the roads are blocked. Typically there is not a lot of snow in their area so snow removal equipment is scarce.

Family #1 is cold, hungry and distressed. They have a few snacks on hand but other than that, very little food. They always meant to buy some candles and now the batteries in their flashlights are dead. As they stumble around in the dark, they are cold and desperate. They need help but the authorities are nowhere to be found. Without a battery operated radio or a wired phone, they don’t know what is going on and they are scared.

What about family #2? The wood stove is providing warmth plus their oil lanterns are providing an abundance of light. The family had a picnic around the fire consisting of canned stew, canned veggies and some canned peaches for dessert. Using the wood stove as a cooking surface, they were able to pop some popcorn while enjoying a board game around the glow of the stove and lanterns.

Their crank radio was fired up and they learned that there was a likelihood that the roads would be blocked and power out for at least 48 hours, possibly longer. They deemed this an adventure, secure in their knowledge that they had plenty of food and would be nice and toasty in their home.

Two stories.  One is a family that survives and the other is barely scraping by with handouts (if they are lucky) from sympathetic neighbors and relatives.


Natural disasters can happen anywhere and anytime.  Manmade disasters, civil disobedience, pandemics and terrorist attacks may or may not happen.

Even so, how would you deal with these events if they happened in your home town? Would you have food? Would you have water? Would you have readily accessible first aid supplies? If the transportation system around you was disabled for a period of time (a day, a week or a month), could you cope? What if fuel for your vehicle or to heat your home was not available? In the case of an emergency, how would you communicate with loved ones?

These are just a few questions you should ask yourself. They are practical questions with infinitely useful answers once you take the time to define survivalism in your own words and under your own terms.

Once you do that, you will have created a survival mindset.

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!


If you have not done so already, please be sure to like Backdoor Survival on Facebook to be updated every time there is an awesome new article, news byte, or free survival, prepping or homesteading book on Amazon.

In addition, when you sign up to receive email updates you will receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book The Emergency Food Buyer’s Guide.

Bargain Bin: Here are some things that will make life easier if you are forced off grid for awhile.

Kaito Electronics, Inc. Portable Dynamo & Solar-Powered Radio and Cell Phone Charger: This one has it all and a very reasonable price given its features. It will operate from any one of four different power sources including hand crank and solar and includes a radio, lantern, cell phone charger and more. It can be used with 3 AA batteries or an optional AC adapter. It is perfect for receiving NOA alerts and the LED flashlight on its side turns into a flashing red SOS for emergencies. There is even a USB port for charging a cell phone. About $50.

Cyalume SnapLight Chemical Light Sticks: Read all about light sticks at Lighting Your Way With Chemical Lighting.

Rothco Type III Commercial Paracord: You can get 100 feet of  Getting Prepared Month 10: Practice Going Off Grid Backdoor SurvivalParacord for about $8. This is a real bargain but be aware that price can vary substantially depending on the color.

EcoZoom Versa: This rocket-type stove burns both charcoal and biomass. It is easy to use and fast. I recently cooked a pot of rice, start to finish in less than 20 minutes.

Fiskars Axe: A lightweight axe is an area where you can spend a little or spend a lot. This axe from Fiskars is highly rated and about $25.

Gerber Portable (Folding) Shovel: You don’t know that you need a shovel until you really need one. The particular shovel from Gerber has an easy push-button slide mechanism and is powerful, and easy-to-use. It features a telescoping joint on the handle for folding down to a perfectly portable and compact size. Not a bad deal for less than $20.

Fiskars Hatchet: The Fiskars products are easily sharpened and will last a lifetime. For less than $25, what is not to like? Oh, and while you are at it, you might also like the Fiskars Axe & Knife Sharpener for an additional $10.

Kershaw OSO Sweet Knife: The sky is the limit when it comes to survival knives. For the beginner, or someone on a budget, a decent quality, all purpose knife is what you need until you have a chance to use it and learn what you you like and don’t like, feature-wise, before you invest in something more pricey. This Kershaw OSO Sweet Knife is highly rated and will cost about $23.


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