The Devil is in the details! The Great Reset, Jesus is coming anytime!

Commentary By:  Gordon King

Very strange and unusual events are taking place in the world today, things that we wouldn’t have thought just a few short years ago could ever happen in our lifetime.

In 2020 we had the emergence of “Covid-19”, followed by draconian mandates (facemasks, social distancing, lockdowns, and the Covid-19 bioweapon jab).  Then there was the strong push for a climate change agenda, which will include laws and mandates much worse than the Covid-19 pandemic.  Gender identity has become a major issue, as people struggle to come to grips with their gender.  Even young children are being groomed to change gender, and the push for transitioning young children is a high priority.  People’s pronouns are deemed a national crisis, much more so than the very safety of our nation and it’s citizens!

All of these things usher in a plethora of new laws and restrictions, as well as the methods to bring them to fruition.

Meat is being destroyed and outlawed, our energy supply is being systematically destroyed, our healthcare system is being taken over by draconian rulers, churches are being infiltrated by the world, our culture is being divided and destroyed, and our economy is being destroyed.

None of these things had to happen but they are.  All of them could have been avoided.  The powers that be are dead set against the human race, and their motives are nefarious!

If you look deep enough into the cause of these things, then you will find that they are wicked and evil, they are demonic!  Yes my friends, all of these things come from the father of all lies, Satan himself, the devil.  The devil is in the details if you bother to look.

They are destroying our food supply, food that God gave us to survive, destroying our energy supply, energy that God gave us to survive, destroying the genders that God gave us, both male and female.  I can say the same thing for every area that the global elite are destroying.  God either gave it to us, or gave us the ability to achieve it for our good.

This is what the devil does, takes what God has created and twists it to his advantage (so he thinks).  Everything that he does is in direct opposition to God Almighty, in rebellion to God Almighty, with the purpose of making himself higher than God Almighty!

Isaiah 14:13-14

For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’ “

You see my friends, the global elite are not doing these things with out best interests at heart.  They are doing the will of their father the devil.

The global elite are attempting to control the entire world and every person living in it.  They tell us that they are looking out for our health and well-being, when in reality they are doing everything but!  

The Great Reset, CBDCs, Covid “vaccines” (bioweapons), fake meat, electric vehicles, digital IDs, social credit system, SDGs, DEI, gender identity, pronouns, climate change agenda, and much more, are all designed to control the population of the world.  Make no mistake about it, these things are all nefarious and headed up by Satan himself!

So many people are brainwashed, deluded, and blind, that they cannot see the truth, even when it is staring at them in front of their face!  Even many who call themselves Christians are being led astray.

Yes, Satan has infiltrated even the church!  False prophets and teachers are preaching from many pulpits this very day.  This is why it is so vitally important to know God’s word, to study God’s word, and to live God’s word.  Don’t just blindly follow along, know what God says and what He means when He says it!

The apostasy of the church is a precursor and sign just before the rapture of the church (2 Thessalonians 2), the falling away from the faith.  Our gathering together with Christ (the rapture) will not happen until the apostasy comes first, and then the man of sin is revealed.  The man of sin will not be revealed until He who now restrains ( the Holy Spirit filled church) is taken out of the way (via the rapture).  Don’t you remember when he told us these things?  Do not be deceived!

Deception, it’s a major sign of the end times my friends.  The devil is out to deceive the nations, and he is doing a very good job of it if I say so myself!

People need to awake from their slumber before its too late!!!

And when you see these things beginning to happen then look up, for your redemption draws near!

God bless my friends!  Maranatha!  Looking up!!!