Will the World get Better or Worse? What do you believe?

Commentary By:  Gordon King

The world is headed in a direction that is destructive to both humanity and the earth.  The Global Elite tell us that they have a plan, an agenda that will save humanity and the planet, however, everything that they have already begun is only leading to destruction!

Everything in this world seems to be falling apart at the seams, virtually everything, nothing is untouched or unphased.  Yet it didn’t have to happen this way, it’s happening because of the decisions and plans of the Global Elite!

When I speak to some people about this they look at me like I’m a leaper, as if what I am telling them is so far out there that I must be nuts!  But am I?

They act as if everything is just fine, and that the government would never do things that would endanger the lives of it’s own citizens, nor would they oppress and censor those that oppose their agenda.  Really?!  What planet are they living on, it sure isn’t this one!

The Global Elite are destroying our food supply, our energy supply, our economy, our healthcare, and society at large.  Their plan?  To rebuild it all to their liking not ours!  And it’s called the Great Reset!!!

This group of Elite individuals are stupid, they may be crazy and evil, but they aren’t stupid.  They know that stopping the use of oil and gas will lead to disaster, that solar and wind power will never be enough to supply the needs of the people.  They also know that electric powered vehicles are not “green” and “sustainable” as they claim, whatever that even means!  What in the world does “green” mean?  Or for that matter “sustainable”?  Yet they push both of these words as if they are gods and we should bow down to them!  And they have brainwashed the masses into believing both of these terms as the ideals to live by, anything that opposes such terms are branded as evil and hateful.

The fact is that wind and solar power will never produce enough electricity for the masses, and the production of electric vehicles is environmentally disastrous both to the environment and to humanity!  It was never about saving the environment, but all about control of the masses!

They also know that people need protein to live, and billions of people around the world rely on animal protein to survive.  Eating bugs on a long term basis is not good for your health, and lab grown meats filled with chemicals aren’t either!

They know that destroying our economy and instituting a digital currency will give them more power over the people, that combined with a social credit system and they will have a ready made tyrannical dictatorship!

All of us have already seen the lengths of which doctors, nurses, and hospitals will go to in order to make a buck!  They quietly and willfully follow the tyrannical dictates of the government regarding the medical treatment of their patients, no questions asked.  No matter if it is causing increased illness, cancer, and even death!  It’s all about the money to them (not all of them, thank God!), and honest reliable healthcare is all but gone.  I used to trust doctors and hospitals, now I take them all with a very large grain of salt!

The Global Elite aren’t giving up or giving in, in fact this “plandemic” that we just went through (and it’s still going by the way) gave them a boost of confidence in their agenda!

So what do you believe?  Do you believe that the world will somehow become a better place?  If the plans of the Global Elite come to fruition as they want, will the world become much better, or much worse?

Do you want to live in a world where you own nothing, where eating meat will only be an occasional luxury?  Where the government will tell you what you can eat, how much you can eat, where you can go, and how you will get there?  When they tell you where you can live and how you can live?  When they control your money and your digital wallet, when they tell you what you can buy and how much you can buy?  When they tell you what you can believe, who you can worship, how you can worship, and if you don’t abide by their rules then you will be punished for it?  And if you disagree with them then you will be labeled by them as a traitor, an insurrectionist, an outlaw?  Is this how you want to live?

All of these things are the “setting of the stage” for the coming Antichrist, that’s just how close we are to the beginning of the Tribulation period.

The bible tells us that the last days will be perilous, that men’s hearts will grow cold, that people will turn against one another, and that there would be many deceivers in the world deceiving and being deceived!  It also tells us that there would be a great apostasy of the church just before the rapture.  It says that a man will arise, the Antichrist, who will lead people astray, will require people to worship him with a Mark, and if they don’t then they will be killed by beheading!

Revelation 20:4

“And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.”

Those who take the Mark of the Beast are bowing down and worshiping Satan!  Those who refuse the Mark will be beheaded!

Do any of these things sound like the world is going to be a better place?

The only time the world will become a better place is after Christ returns at His second coming, not before that time!  The things that I have spoken of above are signs of the times my friends, signs that signify the soon return of Jesus Christ!  And if the signs are that blatant and in our face now, just how long do we have before the rapture of the church?!

God bless my friends!  Maranatha!  Looking up!!!