G20, ID2020, Agenda 2030, and the Mark of the Beast, what do they all have in common?

Commentary By:  Gordon King

Global agendas, the meeting of world leaders and the elite, coming together under the guise of creating a utopia upon the earth!  Sounds like a fairy tale doesn’t it?  But this is the reality of it my friends. The shadow government is forming a New World Order, the basis of a One World Government, the United Nations and the G20 summit forming it’s framework!

Over the past decade we have heard of their plans of Agenda 21, ID2020, and Agenda 2030, all disguised as being for the good of the people, when in reality it is for the good of the government controlling the people, the Elite, the Shadow government! 

Read my article that I posted one year ago:

Do you think that Talk of a One World Government is Nonsense? Think Again!

ID2020 is a digital form of ID that the government will use to track everyone on earth!  They say that here in America we will need it beginning in the year 2020 in order to fly on an airplane, but if you ask me this is merely the first step towards Agenda 2030.  The goal of ID2020 is to for everyone on earth to have a digital ID by the year 2030.

The ID2020 website (by accenture, part of ID2020 alliance) states that people have the right to identification.

Article 6 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was developed and written by the United Nations and it states:

“Everyone shall have the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.”

They point out the necessity for people to have this identification in order to live a happy, healthy, and productive life without the worry of having their identity stolen.  I say that this is a propaganda campaign in order to gain control over the lives of everyone living on the planet!

This is from the ID2020 website:

Combining the power of biometrics and blockchain to provide a global identity solution


Accenture has joined the ID2020 Alliance with partners like Microsoft to create an open, human-centric approach to identity. The alliance draws on advances in biometrics and innovative technologies and brings together expertise from business, government and non-government agencies. Our experts at the Dublin Innovation Center contribute cross-functional and cross-cultural expertise to drive it forward in collaboration with both UN and other global humanitarian organizations. Get in touch with us.

If you notice it says that they are partnering with Microsoft, a Bill Gates company.  And it’s Bill Gates who is a promoter of depopulating the earth because of so-called “global warming”, and Bill Gates who is a promoter of vaccines, especially in Africa, and for what purpose, to lower the population?  Don’t you find it interesting that Bill Gates is partnering with ID2020 and is also a major player in pushing for population control?

Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation  (2010)

Bill Gates states that people are the reason for the so-called global warming problem, and that we need to lower the earth’s population in order to solve the problem.  This is the big push by the Progressive Left, a push for depopulation, abortion, for Socialism! 

Folks, ID2020 is the beginning of the total control of our lives, it is the framework for the Mark of the Beast!  At first we need it to be able to fly on a plane in the year 2020, but what’s next?!  To buy, sell, or trade, to receive health care and medicines?!!!

Agenda 2030 goes much further than ID2020 as it seeks to institute worldwide socialism on a scale never been seen before in the history of man!

Read the following from The New American:

UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism


Our identities are being collected and stored in data bases around the world, and at some point in time the world government will be able to locate any person at any time at the drop of a hat!  So what you say?  Well, perhaps the government wants to get rid of a certain type of people for some reason, such as Christians, it sure wouldn’t be hard to find them in order to round them up now would it?  Hitler did it with the Jews, and if he had this sort of technology at his finger tips then things sure would have went a lot faster for him!  Remember the talk of all the FEMA camps being built around America?  What in the world would they ever be used for?!  Hmmm, makes you wonder.

Has anyone besides me noticed the huge push for socialism in America today?  And what does socialism bring, it brings total control by the government, control of the people, control of what we eat, what we wear, what we watch, what we say, and who we are.  It is a form of government which has control of the people under which it is supposed to serve, but socialism does not serve but forces the people to serve it!  All of the things that I have been talking about, our identities, our lives, who we are as people, all will be controlled by a socialistic form of government, and a socialistic form of government does these things and much more!

Socialist governments lead to death and destruction, they do not work, they never have!  Millions upon millions of people have been put to death by these forms of governments, millions of people starving and going without, people being forced into submission, they lead to no good.  Yet, there are masses of people who have been brainwashed into believing that this if what we need.  Just take a look at Venezuela and see for yourself!

These are the lies that we are being fed, that global warming is real and that the world must come together to do something to stop it.  This will lead to population control and to total control of every person living on the earth!  And isn’t this what we see happening now in the world?  Of course it is!  And it’s all leading to the formation of a One World Government, a socialistic form of government that will soon be led by a very wicked and evil man, the Antichrist!  If you thought Adolf Hitler was bad you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, the Antichrist will be much, much worse!

It’s coming folks, the Mark of the Beast, no one without it will be able to buy, sell or trade, and I believe that it will go much further than that, no one will be able to receive any benefits whatsoever, including healthcare and medicine!  If you have not received the mark then you will be a wanted criminal, a hunted outcast, and you will have to scavenge for food, water, and medicine.  People will be forced to submit to the Beast, forced to conform, just as people are now being forced to conform with ID2020, yet with the Mark the penalty is death by beheading!

Most people are like lost sheep, not knowing which way to turn, headed down the wrong path, being fed by wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Most people are oblivious to what is happening in the world around them, being herded into corrals, just waiting to be inoculated, being fed lies and led astray.

We are living in perilous times, times that relive themselves with much greater intensity and with greater frequency, just as a woman giving birth.  History has a way of repeating itself as if we never learn from the past.  But this time things will be much, much worse than they ever were before!

Wake up to the truth my friends!  Look around you and allow the Holy Spirit within to discern right from wrong, good from evil, and the truth from lies. 

God bless my friends!  Maranatha!

4 thoughts on “G20, ID2020, Agenda 2030, and the Mark of the Beast, what do they all have in common?

  1. I am woke Gordon!

    I agree with you this is all paving the way for the one world government one world religion and the Beast system.

    Our only security lies in Christ Jesus whether we live or die.

    In 1980, a very strange stone formation was erected in a city in Georgia.It has been called the Stonehenge of America. Its name is the Georgia Guidestones. A set of ten guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.

    Engraved into The Georgia Guidestones one of the ten inscriptions clearly states that the population on the earth should be maintained at 500 million people to be in “perpetual balance with nature.” Can they get anymore into New Age terminology than that?

    The number of people as of 2018 who inhabited the earth was 7.6 BILLION so we are over 8 billion by now.
    Well, to put it in its simplest form if the Georgia Guidstones are being taken literally then the NWO must rid our planet of almost 94% of all people to bring the population to its goal of 500 million.

    One must ponder as to how to reduce the number of people on the earth by 94%. Well sending vaccines to third world countries which sterilizes young women is one strategy . Then there are the highly celebrated new abortion laws, genetic modifications and gender fluidity and same sex marriage which all contribute to the outcome that less children will be born in society. Add to that wars and famines and pandemics and super bugs and the failing effectiveness of antibiotics topped off probably with the legalisation of Euthanasia and we are well on the way!

    Perhaps the population remaining will be supplemented with sophisticated robots, they actually have them now that look so human and interact and learn from interactions, will they make up the work force on Earth after all they won’t eat or breed.

    God bless!

  2. Very good article. I like it. I’m going to print this and showing to my friends and families. To tell you the truth, ID2020 are making me very uncomfortable. I pray we out of here soon!!!!!!!!!

  3. Thanks for your comment Christine!

    Those are some very good thoughts and insight sister! Especially the robots, they don’t eat or reproduce, but they do take electricity, however I suppose that they would justify that by using solar panels. Perhaps they are planning to replace us with robots, after-all they are already doing it in factories all over the globe.

    I was also thinking about the Georgia guide stones, hmmm, I wonder who was behind the building of the guide stones, no one really knows for sure but they have to be related some how to the Shadow Government if not the Shadow Government itself!

    Think about how many people have been murdered under Socialist governments, this would also be a way to quickly rid the earth of millions if not billions of people worldwide. Isn’t it funny in an odd way that there is such a push for Socialism around the world and especially here in America? America seems to be the biggest obstacle to worldwide Socialism, but perhaps not for long depending upon the outcome of the next Presidential election next year. Wow, I can hardly believe it’s next year already! Anyway, such a push for Socialism and the coming One World Government during the Tribulation period will be the ultimate Socialistic form of government ever!!! Something very fishy is going on!

    I believe that the year 2020 is going to be a very significant year with ID202 taking effect and the Presidential election in America, I wonder what else is waiting in the wings?!

    God bless! Maranatha!

  4. Thanks for your comment Jim!

    I’m glad you like it, please share it with your friends.

    I don’t have an enhanced drivers license, at least not yet. But I suppose if I ever want to fly again then I will have to get one, not that I want to by any means. But this is the way of the world my friend, this is where it’s all headed, no more privacy, no more living your life without some form of government knowing about it all, knowing where you live, where you are going, where you have been and what you’ve been up to! This is all leading up to the Mark of the Beast, when it’s not just about who and where we are, but also what we do and how we do it, but ultimately who we serve and worship.

    It’s funny in an odd and strange way that the Progressive Left is supposedly all about tolerance and acceptance, yet they are against Christians practicing their faith! They tell us that all ways are good, that everyone has the right to believe and do what they want (but yet again, except Christians), that all ways lead to heaven. They push for a socialist form of government, but little do they know that the very thing they are pushing for is what will turn on them and prevent them from living how they say they want to live! Everything that they are pushing for and supporting is to their destruction, to the destruction of the entire world!!!

    The writing is on the wall my friend, written on the wall in big, bright letters, so easy to see, yet so many are blinded to the truth and led astray! They do the very things that will cause their own demise, yet they continue to do them. This is the way of the world and it’s only going to get worse until the second coming of Jesus Christ!

    Let us pray for the rapture my friend!

    God bless! Maranatha!

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