DOJ to scrub Islam references from transcripts of Orlando terrorist’s calls to police

US Attorney General Lorreta Lynch  DOJ

(SOURCE)  The Department of Justice is scrubbing references of radical Muslim beliefs from the transcripts of calls Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen made to police during his massacre, Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Sunday.

A partial transcript of the conversations between authorities and Mateen, who killed 49 and wounded 53 in the June 12 attack at a Florida gay nightclub, is set to be released on Monday. But Lynch, who appeared on numerous Sunday talk shows, said the transcripts will not include Mateen’s oath of loyalty to ISIS or any other religious justification for the attack.

“What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda,” Lynch told NBC. “We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State].”

Critics blasted the move by the administration, which has rejected branding terrorist acts as motivated by radical Islam and has sought to paint the Orlando attack as a gun control issue.  

“This is not just a simple wording issue,” Ric Grenell, a Fox News contributor and former aide to UN Ambassador John Bolton told Fox and Friends Monday morning. “The fact that Loretta Lynch is somehow redacting the specific enemy that is being called out here is a PR move.”

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giluiani, also on Fox and Friends Monday, said it does not help law enforcement to try to bury the motivations or allegiences of criminals and terrorists.

“Why didn’t they do this with the Mafia, to spare Italian-Americans?” Giuliani asked. “Why? Because if you did, you would never make the connection [which ultimately] brought them down.”

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6 thoughts on “DOJ to scrub Islam references from transcripts of Orlando terrorist’s calls to police

  1. I’m going to give a link to a YouTube video of a pastor in Hawaii that does what you do every Sunday Prophecy updates and its pretty good.

    Also, they are trying to pin what happened in Orlando to Christians saying that because of Christians hatred towards the homosexual community the killings happen which you will see in the video. Keep up the good work in warning your readers on what’s going on. God Bless

  2. I left a comment but it didn’t show so I will try again. You should check out this YouTube video of a pastor in Hawaii who does after his service on Sundays prophecy updates which is very good.

  3. Thanks Spaniardvii!

    Pastor J.D. is awesome! Too bad we don’t have more preachers like him around. I haven’t watched his update from yesterday yet.

    Isn’t it ironic that they try to pin the killings in Orlando on Christians, saying that we hate homosexuals! Christians don’t hate homosexuals, we love them, we hate the sin. Islam on the other hand does hate homosexuals and is out to kill them. I never hear of homosexuals condemning Islam or ISIS for their torture and murder of homosexuals, yet it happens all of the time!

    God bless!

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