Happy Thanksgiving!


Jennie Augusta Brownscombe, The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth, 1914, Pilgrim Hall Museum, Plymouth, Massachusetts

Commentary By:  Gordon King

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  And even though you may not be an American, I mean this for all in the world.

This is a day of celebration to give thanks to our Creator for all that He has done for us, for all that He has given to us!

This day is in remembrance of the pilgrims who migrated to the United States of America before the foundation of this nation, of their struggle to survive, and their thankfulness to their Creator God Almighty in providing for their needs.

It is also a reminder for us all to give thanks for whatever we have, for none of it would be if not for our Creator in heaven!  It is He who provides and sustains, it is He who gives and sustains life!

While this is a day to be celebrated with joy and thanksgiving, we should never forget to give the Lord thanks on each and everyday!

God in heaven, hear my prayers.  We come to You in humble adoration, bowing down before You with hearts filled with joy for what You have given to us, for all that You provide for us!  We come to You with praise on our lips, in worship, honor, and glory, with reverence to You our Father in heaven.  Thank You God for all that You do and all that You provide.  For we know that without You none of it would be possible.  In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen

God bless my friends and have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!  Maranatha!

7 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Many people are hurting and suffering and lonely on this day. May God bring the lost salvation, the hurting comfort, and the suffering healing.

    There has never been another day like this in history, with the bulls-eye of world war 3 sitting in an area just about 80 miles north of Israel. Events are about to explode in that area to a degree that we cannot now imagine. The world is about to stand in awe of what is about to happen, Possibly nuclear, but intensely greater. War and destruction is imminent on a scale like we have never seen involving the axis of Syria, Russia, Turkey, Iran, most of Europe, and likely China. America is going to get sucked into a greater militray conflict whether we like it or not. The Mediterranian is soon to be an all out war zone.

    Who would have thought that in one week Russia and Turkey would have become hostile towards each other overnight. Russia is literally placing an all-out boycott on Turkish goods and tourist travel. Putin is ego-struck, pride-hurting and going for revenge over the loss of his jet. He is like a boxer who is swinging wildly at everybody and everything. Russia just moved their curse missile destroyer closer to the action in the Med. Russia is deploying their S-200 and S-300 anti aircraft missiles towards Turkey.
    Germany has now decided to join France in military campaign against isis.

    We are now in World War 3, it’s happening right before our eyes. There will be no flat-lining the actions, no de-confliction, no de-escalation, no workable peace negotiations, The war bow-strings are strung and taught, the arrows and spears are flying, the world is at war and the end-is here. Just as Christ said it would happen. God is about to show himself mighty on behalf of the Church and Israel. The platform for the anti-Christ is set and about to have the curtain drawn back on the false peace and the tribulation.
    The Christians’ real Thanksgiving celebration is about to begin when we hear the shout, the voice of the arc-angel and the trump of God, and are instantly delivered into the presence of Jesus.
    Yes!! I’m thankful for what God has done, but more importantly what He is about to do!!


  2. Amen!
    Thank you for sharing the true meaning of what the Happy stands for in HAPPY Thanksgiving and in giving thanks.
    Have yourself a happy one as well. God bless us all.

  3. Thanks for your comment Ethin!

    Yes we have much to be thankful for and especially our salvation. Yet there are many in the world not so fortunate and need our prayers.

    God bless and Maranatha!

  4. Every day I see the world situation draw us closer to the return of Jesus the HAPPIER I am and the more end-time prophecy I see fulfilled the more THANKSGIVING I have. The more people who become saved the HAPPIER I am, the more the gospel goes out to this lost world the more THANKSGIVING I give. I love turkey, family, and fellowship but Christ is the one who makes me the HAPPIEST and have the most THANKSGIVING. When the end of this wicked generation, like the generation of Noah is over and Christ is here on earth ruling, I will be HAPPY, when spears are beaten into pruning hooks and swords into plowshears and people learn war no more, I will have THANKSGIVING.

    bless everyone,

  5. I have been trying to be THANKFULl now for two days and all I can think about is that California is out of water. Ten years of drought and now entering the 4th year of severe drought. Nobody knows what or how to do anything about the condition. Yes! it makes me more THANKFUL for every drop for drinking and showers. May be that I’m the only one who is even aware of it, I listen to and watch sermons all over and no pastors are even getting close to the subject. Yet, reservoirs are almost empty and hundreds of wells have gone dry, the water table has dropped so significantly that the central basin has dropped in elevation over 10 inches. As it currently stands, in order to get us back to normal we would need 61 inches of rainfall to make up the loss. The city where I live is proud and boastful as is all of California, One year ago the city council announced that we were in good shape with plenty of underground water, Governor Brown first announced a 10% reduction, then a 25% reduction, next it will be a 40% reduction. Our city just got cited and fined $61,000 for overuse of it’s water. “it got too proud” Darkness and sin flows out of this state and infects all round the world for evil. I do pray for rain, but I pray more for revival in the churches and hearts of Christians in California. If it doesn’t rain and rain a lot soon, this state is going to take a big hit and it’s not going to look pretty.
    If this is God’s hand of judgment then I’m begging for mercy in the midst.
    Attempting to be HAPPY and THANKFUL in the meantime,

  6. Thanks for your comment Ethin!

    This situation in California, as well as any other situations in life where we suffer great loss and tragedy reminds me of Job in the Old Testament. Although Job lost everything, all that he owned and all of his children, he knelt down on the ground and worshiped God!

    Job 1:20-22
    ‘When Job heard this, he tore his clothes and shaved his head because of his great sorrow. He knelt on the ground, then worshiped God 21 and said:

    “We bring nothing at birth;
    we take nothing
    with us at death.
    The Lord alone gives and takes.
    Praise the name of the Lord!”

    22 In spite of everything, Job did not sin or accuse God of doing wrong.’

    God bless Ethin! Maranatha!

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